Satisfying America’s fruit gap: Summary of an expert roundtable on the role of 100% fruit juice

Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, PhD, RDN; Mario Ferruzzi, PhD; Victor Fulgoni III, PhD; et. al.
Journal of Food Science. June 2017; 82(7): 1523–1534.

Based on a roundtable discussion in 2016, of nutrition scientists and educators this commentary article examines the science regarding the effect of 100% fruit juice consumption on nutrient intakes and health outcomes. It focuses on thee current fruit intake versus recommendations in the United States and the role of 100% fruit juice in improving nutrient intakes, diet quality and health outcomes.

Key Findings: The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs) notes that 100% fruit juice is not being over consumed, is not associated with obesity/overweight or childhood dental caries and does not compromise fiber intake. Participating experts agreed that there is no science-based reason to restrict access to 100% fruit juice in public health nutrition policy and programs such as WIC. They further believe that reducing or eliminating 100% fruit juice could lead to unintended consequences such as reduced daily fruit intake and increased consumption of less nutritious beverages.

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