Juice Products Association Aligns With American Academy of Pediatrics’ Recommendations for Fruit Juice Consumption and Children

WASHINGTON, DC (May 22, 2017) — U.S. juice manufacturers have long supported the nutrition guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and we agree with the AAP’s policy statement published today in the journal Pediatrics, that reaffirms that 100 percent fruit juice, in both fresh and reconstituted forms, “can be a healthy part of the diet of children older than 1 year when consumed as part of a well-balanced diet.”  Further, juice manufacturers are aligned with the AAP’s recommendations regarding fruit juice consumption by infants and recommended portion sizes for older children.

National surveys consistently show that Americans do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, yet research indicates that children who drink juice actually eat more whole fruit than children who don’t drink juice.  Additional research shows that the average child does not over consume juice and that children who drink juice have better overall diet quality.

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans classify one serving of 100% fruit juice as equivalent to one serving of whole fruit.  One-hundred-percent fruit juice is a nutrient dense beverage, and when incorporated as a complement to whole fruit in the diet for children older than one year, helps to improve fruit intake, especially among populations with limited access to fresh fruit.

For additional information about juice, including the latest research and frequently asked questions, visit www.juicecentral.org, an online resource of the Juice Products Association, the US trade association for juice processors.

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Media contact: 

Stephanie Meyering

[email protected] / 212.297.2162

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