Back to School With 100% Juice

It is hard to believe that the craziness of back-to-school season is upon us. Say goodbye to those endless summer days and say hello to carpool lines and long days of carting the kids from one activity to the next. If you’re looking for a healthy, nutritious drink to pack into school lunches or offer with a quick dinner, 100% juice is the answer. Hydrating and refreshing, 100% juice is more than just a drink, it a counts as a fruit too!   

Certainly 100% juice is a thirst quencher. In fact, most 100% juices are made up of about 80% water, but did you know 100% juice contains the same vitamins, minerals and bioactives as the fruit it is squeezed from? This is what gives juice it’s unique fruit taste. As one of the fruit and vegetable forms recommended by the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans, juice can actually help you and your family increase your fruit and vegetable intake. As part of a balanced diet, drinking juice, in appropriate proportions, is a great way to complement whole fruit intake and bump up your daily servings. It is convenient, shelf-stable, inexpensive and delicious. In addition to these great benefits, 100% juice is a great way to aid in maintaining and supporting immunity. See all juice can do for you and your family here! 

Start off the busy days with our Dark Chocolate and Cran-Raspberry Smoothie. This colorful frozen treat is full of bananas, raspberries and of course, dark chocolate. It makes the perfect breakfast, mid-afternoon snack, or post-game meal. 

Need a quick pick me after the baseball game? Look no further than this Zucchini Chocolate Bread.  It tastes identical to regular chocolate bread, but sneaks in heart-healthy zucchini, rich coconut and good-for-you orange juice. Kids and adults alike will go crazy over this decadent treat. 

The options are endless with 100% juice.  

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