New Study Finds No Conclusive Evidence that Drinking 100% Fruit Juice Has Adverse Health Effects

A systematic review published in the March 2018 issue of Advances in Nutrition reaffirms that there is no conclusive evidence that drinking 100% fruit juice is associated with adverse health effects, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The study also supports current guidelines on 100% juice consumption outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA).

The systematic review, conducted by Brandon Auerbach et. al from the University of Washington, examined the association of 100% fruit juice consumption and increased risk of chronic health conditions in children and adults. Data was focused on cardiometabolic health outcomes, weight gain, liver disease, and dental cavities.

Based on a limited number of studies, this research did conclude that consumption of 100% fruit juice is associated with an increased risk of cavities in children. However, more research needs to be done in this area. The majority of evidence also shows that drinking 100% juice is not associated with significant weight gain in children.

In alignment with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Dietary Guidelines of Americans, the study also supports the idea that daily consumption of moderate amounts of 100% fruit juice may help support a healthy diet and increase fruit consumption. The study concludes that these guidelines should continue to be followed and used to inform current and future food policy recommendations.

For more research and nutritional information about 100% fruit juice, visit Juice Central’s Health Professionals page.

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