Juice Nectars
In the United States, juice nectars are fruit purees or juices diluted with water that may contain sweeteners and other ingredients. Label may say: Juice nectar Fruit nectar Juice drink
In the United States, juice nectars are fruit purees or juices diluted with water that may contain sweeteners and other ingredients. Label may say: Juice nectar Fruit nectar Juice drink
Low-calorie juice drinks offer a health-conscious yet delicious refreshment. Label may say: Low calorie juice Reduced calorie juice Light fruit drink Light juice drink
There are many healthy juice drinks available on the market. These drinks may include a mix of ingredients including less than 100% juice, water, flavorings, added sugars and/or other sweeteners. All juice beverages must declare the percentage of juice in …
Concentrated juice simply means that the water has been extracted from the juice to make storage easier. Water is added back in before drinking. There is no difference nutritionally between juice from concentrate and other types of 100% juice. Label …
Juices labeled “not from concentrate” are made by pressing or squeezing the fruits or vegetables to extract the juice. Not from concentrate juices are then pasteurized for safety. There are no nutritional differences between 100% juices not made from concentrate …
The main difference between cold-pressed juice and other types of juice is how it is made. Cold-pressed juices are extracted without heat, and use high pressure processing (HPP) as an alternative to conventional heat pasteurization. Label may say: Cold-pressed juice
When 100% fruit juice and/or 100% vegetable juice combine, the result is a delicious, nutritious and unsweetened juice blend. Only drinks that contain 100% juice may be labeled as such. Label may say: 100% juice No sugar added The types …
These vegetable juices are made from vegetables that are pressed or squeezed to extract the juice, and are unsweetened juices. Only drinks that contain 100% juice may be labeled as such. Label may say: 100% juice No sugar added The …
These fruit juices are made from whole fruit that is pressed or squeezed to extract the juice, and typically do not contain added sugars. Only drinks that contain 100% juice may be labeled as such. Label may say: 100% juice …
Research continues to reveal the various benefits of 100% juice. In a recent study from the University of Delaware, scientists found that drinking just two cups of 100% tart cherry juice a day can have a positive impact on heart health. The …
Tart Cherry Juice Linked to Heart-Healthy Outcomes in Adults Read More »