Review of 100% Fruit Juice and Chronic Health Conditions: Implications for SugarSweetened Beverage Policy

Brandon Auerbach, MD, MPH, Sepideh Dibey PhD, MPH, RDN, Petra Vallila-Buchman, MPH, Mario Kratz, PhD, James Krieger, MS
Advances in Nutrition April 2018; 9(2): 78- 85

This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the relationship between 100% fruit juice and various chronic health outcomes in children and adults. The study focused on cardiometabolic health outcomes, liver disease, and caries.

Key Findings: The study concluded that no adverse health effects were found to be associated with 100% juice consumption and diabetes, cardiovascular disease, glucose homeostasis, lipid levels, or blood pressure. No significant associations were found between juice and weight gain in children or adults. While, (based on limited data) the study did find an increased risk of tooth decay in children, overall the findings support 100% juice recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Dietary Guidelines and the continued inclusion of juice in food public policy programs.

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