Let’s Get Holiday-Healthy! 3 Ways to Boost Your Fruit Intake with 100% Juice

It’s no secret that the holidays are filled with a variety of tasty temptations. The good news? With a few simple modifications, you can still enjoy the festivities guilt-free.

However, before we dive into the deliciousness, let’s take a look at the facts. Did you know that 75% of Americans are not eating enough fruit? Luckily, 100% fruit juice can be just the boost you need to supplement fruit intake and help meet dietary goals.

Now that we’ve covered the data, it’s time to get into the fun stuff – how can we incorporate 100% juice into a healthy holiday diet?

1.  Gulp down the goodness.

Cocktails? Crucial. Sabotaging our healthy habits? Not so much. Luckily, we have a variety of delicious concoctions that will help you stay on track. Whipped up with 100% juice and just two other ingredients, the Pomegranate Ginger Smash is a must-try. Other festive drinks include our Maple Spiced Rum Punch and Sweet and Sour Cherry Cocktail.

Children in attendance? Serve the 5-Ingredient Party Punch to help include them in the action – and boost their fruit consumption while you’re at it!

2. Slip them in secretly.

Looking for a unique way to accompany your classic Christmas dishes? Our Salsa Verde serves as a delicious party dip, offering a refreshing splash of orange flavor. More of a pineapple person? Check out our Pineapple Teriyaki Sauce for a tangy addition to your scrumptious steak. If you’re searching for something simpler, the Homemade Grape Dressing will do the trick – it only requires six ingredients, and you can whip it up in five!

3.  Make it a fruity finale.

Save room for dessert – and store these recipes for later! Although cravings for sweets are pretty prevalent all year, the holidays give us an extra incentive to salivate. So why not go grape-giddy over our Purple Passion Custard? Plus, our Zucchini-Chocolate Bread with Coconut tastes just like regular chocolate bread, with the addition of heart-healthy zucchini and carrot-orange juice.

Looking for some more inspiration? Check out our Recipes Page.  For additional tips on how juice can fit into a healthy diet, visit our Health & Nutrition section.

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