How Can 100% Juice Fit into a Sports Diet? More Ways than One!

Many athletes have the tendency to avoid fruit juice, wrongly believing that the sugar content is too high. In addition to providing a healthful source of muscle fuel, juice can also serve as a super simple way to boost fruit intake. Registered dietitian Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD shows us the real deal on why fruit juice can and should be a part of your active lifestyle in an interesting blog post:

Fruit Juice for Athletes: Yes or No?

Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD is an internationally respected sports nutritionist, weight coach, nutrition author, and workshop leader. She is a registered dietitian (RD) who is a board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD). She is also a certified WellCoach. Nancy specializes in nutrition for performance, life-long health, and the nutritional management of eating disorders. She counsels both casual exercisers and competitive athletes in her private practice in the Boston area (Newton, MA). Some of her clients consider her to be their food coach, others their food therapist. Regardless, she enjoys the challenge of helping sports-active people transform their suboptimal eating habits into effective fueling plans. Nancy Clark\’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, a best-selling resource, has sold over 550,000 copies and is now in its new fifth edition.


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