Back to School Season Calls for Healthy, Delicious, and Packable Recipes Using 100% Juice

It’s that time of year again, when the kids are back in school and school lunches have to be packed and ready to go. If the kiddos are already growing tired of PB&Js, it’s time to consider creative alternatives that are equally healthy and delicious, while also being easily packable. Sip Smarter has plenty of easy, healthy, and delicious recipes the kids will love and that will be easy for mom and dad to pack. The recipes below all use 100% fruit juice, which is full of healthy vitamins and nutrients, like vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Plus, fruit juice is a healthy option for kids and it’s an accessible and affordable choice for parents.

The 2020-2025 US Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognizes 100% juice as part of the fruit group and a nutrient dense beverage, which along with water and low-fat milk, should be a primary beverage consumed by adults and children. According to the DGAs, 1 cup of fruit juice is equivalent to 1 cup of whole fruit. Research also shows juice drinkers, both children and adults, have better quality diets, eat more whole fruit and have lower intakes of saturated fat, total fat and added sugar than non-juice-drinkers have.

Start with a Main Course

To start the meal off right, kick it off with a standout main course your kids will love. This Orange Chipotle 3-Bean Chili, is always a winner, especially as the colder fall months draw closer. Made with 100% orange juice, this vegetarian option not only tastes great, but also packs in other healthy ingredients like bell peppers and pinto beans.


Pack a Snack

No lunch is complete without a killer snack option. Sub out the chips and cookies for something healthier, that the kids will still love. These Grape Berry Crunch Muffins are made with 100% grape juice as well as blueberries to give them a deliciously fruity taste. Plus, if you make extra, you can serve these muffins for breakfast, too!


Close it out with a Dessert

Finally, the pièce de résistance – dessert! Desserts can be both healthy and tasty, and that’s the combination we get with this Cherry Cheesecake Bars. Using 100% cherry juice, dried cherries, and sliced almonds, these sweet treats will leave the kids happy, while still filling them with the nutrients they need to make it through the rest of the school day.


The day-in and day-out of school can sometimes be a drag for kids and parents alike, but the excitement of school lunches is a tradition that never grows old! Spice things up with healthy and delicious recipes that use 100% juice and get this school year off to the best start possible. Bonus: you can find plenty more recipes like the ones listed here at the Sip Smarter website!

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