
From local farmers to global juice processors, the companies involved in the making, packaging, and transporting of juice are dedicated environmental stewards, continuously implementing measures to minimize environmental impact while optimizing production. Below is a sampling of the sustainability initiatives undertaken by many companies in the juice industry:

The juice industry supports a circular economy in which materials are used and then reused. Juice makers recycle or compost the bulk of by-products from juice processing. Some companies even transform citrus residue into pellets that become a diet supplement for cattle.

Juice companies focus on packaging made from renewable resources like paperboard and right-sizing products to make sure that only the minimum amount of material is used.

Many juice brands actively support initiatives to educate consumers about recycling and to make the recycling process more readily available within communities. Partnerships with Keep America Beautiful and the Sustainable Packaging Coalition’s “How to Recycle” program are just two examples.

Water is a critical component of the juice making process. From farm to fridge, members of the industry continue to demonstrate a responsibility toward managing water resources diligently.

On the farm, technology helps growers to conserve water use. Systems that monitor soil moisture, automatic irrigation timers, efficient drip irrigation, and water recovery systems are among the innovations being implemented.

Many juice processors meter and analyze water use in their facilities to achieve improved efficiencies. Some companies are also using the waste from juice processing for purposes such as crop irrigation or in cooling towers, thus reducing fresh water intake.

Juice companies are implementing a broad range of initiatives to reduce energy use. Several companies have conducted energy audits to pinpoint opportunities for improvement and have set specific targets for energy reduction.

To reach these goals, juice makers are replacing equipment with newer, more energy efficient technology; converting lighting systems and expanding the use of LEDs and improving processes such as inventory control to reduce the amount of space that needs to be lighted, heated or cooled.

Processors and growers are also looking toward alternative and renewable fuel sources that include but also go beyond solar and wind. One juice processor, for example, uses a biofuel made from sugarcane residue, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This company has also established a nursery to grow energy cane seedlings.

It is of great importance to the juice industry to be both environmentally and socially responsible. Within their workplaces and in their local communities juice companies continuously seek to conduct business professionally, ethically, and responsibly. Many companies support community organizations and schools through financial support, in-kind donations, and volunteerism. Others work on global initiatives that provide access to safe drinking water, sanitation, education, or foster economic independence in developing countries.

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