New Produce for Better Health Foundation’s State of the Plate Consumption Report Offers Room for Growth and Opportunities for Juice

Both the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) and the Juice Products Association (JPA) are committed to promoting the benefits of fruits and vegetables in all their forms – 100% juice included. This work has become particularly important given the fact that the new 2020 PBH State of the Plate consumption report indicated that people are eating fruits and vegetables less frequently, down nearly 10% since 2004. This amounts to a loss of at least one fruit/vegetable eating occasion per week. Between 2015-2020 consumption declined 3%, meaning that despite our good intentions, fruit and vegetable consumption is trending in the wrong direction. Even in areas which have experienced slight increases over time such as whole fruit intake, the growth was not enough to overcome the net decline.

But fruit and vegetable consumption can be enjoyed easily and in all its forms – canned, fresh, frozen, and yes, 100% fruit and vegetable juice with only a little bit of extra effort. Supplementing your fruit and vegetable intake with a glass of 100% juice is a fast, easy and simple way to boost your produce intake, and juice can also easily be incorporated into snacks, lunches, dinners or side dishes. For fun, new creative ideas check out the recipes that dietitians and healthy food bloggers created for JPA’s Recipe Contest: Creative New Beginnings For 100% Juice: Looking Beyond the Glass.

Other findings from the PBH State of the Plate report and ways 100% juice can help:

  • Older millennials are slacking, declining in fruit and vegetable eating occasions and trending higher than other age groups in not eating fruits. However, there is some hope for this group as PBH research shows from 2015- 2020, millennials increased fruit eating occasions. In order to sneak more fruit into the diet, make 100% juice an easy part of your daily routine.
  •  Fruit consumption is down among kids. Children ages 1-3 years old have shown a significant decline in fruit consumption. Intake is also down in children 4-8 years old. Incorporate 100% juice into kid-friendly snacks like these fruit juice popsicles.
  • Generation Z is a promising generation of vegetable lovers. Young Gen Z consumers ages 1-14 years old are eating vegetables more frequently. The consumption of vegetables can also be found in 100% vegetable juice, like carrot juice or tomato juice. Lear more about the benefits of 100% vegetable juice here.
  • Most fruits and vegetables are eaten at home, paired with other favorite foods. When Americans do consume produce, many people enjoy their fruits and vegetables coupled with basic, everyday staple meals such as cereals – both hot and cold – yogurt, sandwiches and burgers. Consider spicing up a home cooked meal with a 100% juice marinade like this Pineapple Teriyaki Sauce that goes great with chicken or salmon.
  • Breakfast is back – As a result of the pandemic, more people are taking the time to eat breakfast. This meal is the perfect complement to 100% juice. You can either drink a  glass of it alongside your meal, or use it as an ingredient, like this Orange Cranberry Oatmeal.

JPA and Sip Smarter understands the gravity of these statistics and continues to note the many health benefits of 100% fruit juice. Vitamins, minerals, and bioactives are all key nutrients that can be found in 100% juice. Plus, juice complements fruit and when consumed in appropriate amounts, and is an affordable way for both children and adults to meet their daily fruit goals. Best of all, it is delicious, versatile, and a household staple that all ages know and love.

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