Have a Healthy, Hydrated Summer with These Tips & Tricks

Proper hydration plays a key role in supporting the body’s daily activities. It also keeps you energized and clear-headed so that you can focus. During the summer months, it’s especially important to stay hydrated, as a boost in temperatures and outdoor activities leads to greater water loss through perspiration. Luckily, you can still soak up the sun and sweat it out this summer – just be sure that you’re sipping smart along the way.

Here are 6 tips to stay healthy and hydrated this summer:

1Add Fun, Fruity Flavor.

It’s common to grow bored of drinking plain water, and to crave an alternative to quench your thirst. However, this becomes problematic when it gets in the way of your hydration goals. To encourage yourself to drink more, try infusing your water with fresh fruit and herbs – such as lemons, oranges, mint or berries. You can also try adding a splash of juice to sparking water. You’ll get the fluid your body needs along with a hint of refreshing flavor. Plus, you’ll sneak in some nutrients while you’re at it.

2. Make it a Kid-Friendly Routine.

Because of their smaller size, children can become dehydrated faster than their adult counterparts. Unfortunately, kids are also more likely to forget to drink, or may have difficulty recognizing when they are thirsty. Therefore, it’s crucial for parents to stay on top of their hydration needs. Here are a few things you can do to establish good habits:

  • Make water or juice breaks a regular part of family outdoor activities
  • Hand them a beverage before and after they go outside
  • Always pack a bottle in their school lunch
  • Model good behavior. Showcase the importance of drinking water throughout the day yourself.

As a rule of thumb, children should aim to have an average of six to eight ounces of fluid per day. Kids who play sports and spend a lot of time outdoors often require more.

When it comes to serving 100% juice, the Academy of Pediatrics recommend a maximum of 4 ounces per day (1/2 cup) for children ages 1 to 3. Children aged 4 to 6 should have a maximum of 4 to 6 ounces per day (1/2 to ¾ cup), and the limit for ages 7-18 is 8 ounces per day (1 cup.)

3. Set Reminders.

While dehydration can happen to us any age, it’s particularly common in older adults. This can occur during heat waves, because it’s harder for their brains and bodies to manage sensory signals about thirst.

To regulate this, experts suggest implementing a drinking schedule. An easy way to do this is by setting alarms to serve as reminders to hydrate throughout the day. These can be done through your watch, phone, or even sticky notes at your desk. As you get accustomed to the reminders, it will become second-nature to drink up.

4. Go for a Smoothie. 

Can’t decide between a few hydration options? Whip up a smoothie to combine multiple flavors into one hydrating glass! Our Green Smoothie offers a refreshing blend of white grape juice, cucumber, and kale. Quick and easy to make, it’s a perfect source of fuel after an afternoon jog.

White Grape Juice, Cucumber, Kale & Parsley Smoothie

Total Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast, Drinks, Snack
Servings 1 smoothie


  • 1 cup kale leaves
  • 1 cup cucumber roughly chopped
  • ½ cup parsley
  • ½ cup white grape juice
  • ½ cup ice cubes


  • Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth, about 1 ½ minutes. 
  • Pour into a 12 oz. glass and enjoy!

Or, beat the poolside heat with our Pineapple Banana smoothie. Coconut has naturally occurring electrolytes, which makes it a great hydration source. Plus, it only requires 5 minutes to make, so you won’t miss any pool time!

Pineapple, Banana and Coconut Smoothie

Total Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast, Drinks, Snack
Servings 1 smoothie


  • 5 oz pineapple juice
  • 1 cup banana frozen, cut into chunks
  • ¼ cup coconut milk lite
  • 1 ½ tsp grated ginger
  • 2 oz ice


  • Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.

5. Grab a Glass of 100% Juice.

Along with fruit-flavored water and smoothies, a simple glass of 100% juice can also do the trick. Orange juice is particularly effective in rehydrating and quenching thirst, as well as restoring electrolytes. Additionally, recent research from the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that apple juice can serve as an effective source of rehydration in children.

The US Dietary Guidelines recommend 2 cups of fruit daily, as part of a 2,000 calorie diet. Of that amount, up to half or 50 percent can be 100% juice. Since one cup of 100% fruit juice counts as one cup of fruit, you’ll boost both fruit intake and hydration levels in the same sip.

6. Munch Your Way to Hydration. 

Hydration isn’t only limited to your beverages. Certain fruits and vegetables are made up of over 90% water, and eating these water-rich foods is an easy way to boost your fluid intake. Some options include cucumbers, watermelon, celery, grapefruit, tomatoes, spinach and peppers.

Snacking on fruit and veggies may not be as tempting for the kids or older adults, but that’s where our Lemonade & Cucumber Popsicles come in. Due to its high water content, these treats offer a fun way to rehydrate and cool down.

For more fun ways to stay hydrated this summer, check out our healthy summer recipes. To learn more about how 100% juice can fit into a healthy diet, download our Toolkit.

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