Cranberry Juice

Vitamins & Minerals in Cranberry Juice

The majority of cranberry juice is fortified with vitamin C. Vitamin C is crucial for the growth and repair of cells. It also helps heal wounds, builds strong teeth, skin, bones and cartilage and is critical to a healthy immune system.


Flavonoids are a family of plant compounds that are naturally found in cranberry juice. The two most prominent flavonoids in cranberry juice are anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins. Both of these compounds have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and support cardiovascular health and urinary tract health.

Potential Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

Research links cranberry juice to improved cardiovascular health and a healthy blood pressure. Cranberry juice may also help support urinary tract health.

Cranberry Juice Recipes

There are so many great ways to incorporate cranberry juice into your diet. Serve our Cranberry Orange Punch at your next brunch, or try our Cranberry Popcorn during your next movie night. Plus, cranberry juice makes for a tasty marinade – we like it with our Beef Dish.


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