Two new articles on juice intake and children’s health were published today in the journal of Pediatrics. The first, was a research study entitled, “Fruit Juice and Change in BMI: A Meta-analysis”, and the second, a commentary called “Fruit Juice and Child Health”.
Both articles support the current American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) juice guidelines which allow 100% juice in the daily diets of children and did not find that drinking appropriate amounts of juice was associated with significant weight gain in children.
The research study, led by Dr. Brandon Auerbach at the University of Washington, reviewed eight comprehensive studies assessing BMI in children 1 to 18 years of ages, drinking one serving of 100% juice (6 to 8 oz) for at least six months. The analysis found no association between 100% fruit juice consumption and weight gain in children older than six years old. In children ages 1 to 6 years old, fruit juice consumption was associated with a small (but clinically insignificant) amount of weight gain averaging a quarter pound over a one year period. The scientists noted that more research is needed in this younger group.
The commentary, by Dr. Steven Abrams and Dr. Stephen Daniels, finds the study results to be reassuring and supports the inclusion of 100% juice in the diets of young children and in public policy initiatives including government programs such as WIC. It also supports the American Academy of Pediatrics currently published guidance
Current American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) juice guidelines allow 4 to 6 oz of 100% juice for children 1 to 6 years of age and 8 to 12 oz for children 7-18 years of age daily.