Our Registered Dietitian’s Response to Negative Comments About Juice

Americans are getting health advice from every corner of the internet and not all of it is true. This can no-doubt be very confusing. Who can you believe and where can you find information based in fact? Here at Sip Smarter, our team does its best to provide science-backed information to help you make the right decisions for you and your family.

Readers of the Washington Post that responded to a letter to the editor that I submitted are choosing their own interpretation of the facts, a trend that as a registered dietitian, I see all too often. In my letter, I sought to explain that more than 80% of Americans fail to eat the recommended amounts of fruit in their diet and that juice can help children and adults meet these goals. Additional peer-reviewed research showing that juice can contribute to an overall better quality diet was provided.

A response by one reader accused me of promoting juice consumption among infants. This is a complete misinterpretation of the facts included in my letter. The Juice Products Association supports the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) regarding juice consumption among infants and children, which include not serving juice to infants under 1 year, limiting juice consumption to 4-6 ounces for kids aged one to six and limiting juice consumption to 8-12 ounces for those seven and older.

If you’d like to look into the research further, visit our directory of the latest studies. As always, we’re happy to answer at questions, please contact us.

Yours in health,

Diane Welland MS, RD

Juice Products Association

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