The Role of 100% Juice in Children’s Diets
Parents are often overloaded with conflicting information about which foods are best for their kids. Separating fact from fiction can be confusing. But there’s one choice that parents don’t need to puzzle over, and that’s 100% fruit juice. Scientific research clearly supports the health benefits of drinking 100% juice – and kids love it too!

Research links 100% fruit juice to a more nutritious diet overall, including reduced intake of total dietary fat, saturated fat and added sugars. In addition, drinking 100% juice is associated with eating more whole fruit. Learn more about the health benefits of juice.
The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a diet with several daily servings of fruit and vegetables. Juice is an easy, convenient, accessible, and cost-effective way for both children and adults to meet this goal. Just remember: one half a cup of 100% juice counts as a half a cup of fruit.
Juice Servings for Children
How much juice should kids drink? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children 1 to 3 years of age can have up to 4 ounces of 100% juice per day. Up to 6 ounces is appropriate for children 4 to 6 years of age, and children 7 years and older may drink up to 8 ounces per day.