An Orange a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: New Study Links Citrus Fruit Consumption to Reduced Risk of Dementia

A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition finds that eating citrus regularly may potentially lessen the chance of dementia development in elderly adults. The study, conducted from Tohoku University in Japan, evaluated the diets via a Food Frequency Questionnaire of more than 13,300 Japanese adults aged 65 and up, over a five-to-seven-year period.

The research demonstrated that participants who ate citrus fruits nearly every day were 23 percent less likely to develop dementia, compared to seniors who ate citrus two or fewer times per week. Researchers adjusted for additional factors such as general fruit and vegetable consumption and overall health, reporting that the research results were not affected significantly by these elements. Even when broken down into demographics, such as gender, age, other food consumption rates, and chronic conditions, there was still a significant relationship between the reduced risk of dementia and increased citrus consumption.

While previous research has shown that citrus may have preventative effects against cognitive damage, this is the first study to investigate the association of citrus fruit consumption and incident of dementia in an elderly population.

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