Wind Down the Summer with Kid-Friendly Recipes the Whole Family will Love

While summer has passed as quickly as ever, there is still nearly a month left before the back-to-school season begins. With the time left, kids and parents alike deserve a little recipe fun to do together or that the kids can do by themselves to pass the time. Sip Smarter has plenty of easy, healthy, and delicious recipes using 100% fruit juice that will keep the kids entertained. Plus, 100% juice is full of healthy vitamins and nutrients, like vitamin C, folate, and potassium, and can even help maintain hydration. In fact, according to a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, orange juice may even be more hydrating than water!

Fruit juice is a healthy option for kids and its an accessible and affordable choice for parents. The 2020-2025 US Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognizes 100% juice as part of the fruit group and a nutrient dense beverage, which along with water and low-fat milk, should be a primary beverage consumed by adults and children. According to the DGAs, 1 cup of fruit juice is equivalent to 1 cup of whole fruit. In fact, research shows juice drinkers, both children and adults, have better quality diets, eat more whole fruit and have lower intakes of saturated fat, total fat and added sugar than non-juice-drinkers have.

Check out these kid-friendly recipes below and plan a day to do them with the kiddos or let them select a recipe to try out on their own.

Fruit Juice Popsicles


There are tons of popsicles recipes on the Sip Smarter website, but we love how simple this recipe is. It only uses 2 ingredients – 100% grape juice and 100% apple juice – and only three steps to complete. Plus, the flavors are great for summer and it’s the perfect healthy snack option that kids won’t complain about.

Refreshing Summer Punch


If the kiddos are looking for an easy-to-make beverage option that’s more flavorful than water and healthier than soda, this summer punch is perfect. It only takes five ingredients and can be changed up to create different flavors.  It will keep the kids hydrated, healthy, and happy!

Fruit Juice Jello Shots


These fruit juice jello shots are another snack option that you and the kids can get creative with. Our recipe calls for apple juice and cranberry juice, but feel free to use whatever 100% juice or juice blend you like! These are great for on-the-go snacks or a healthier dessert option.

From breakfast to dinner, the Sip Smarter website is full of healthy and tasty recipes that use 100% fruit juice that the whole family will love!  

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